This is a beautiful poem wrote by Lynda Brallier:
                                 (MM means Menieres)
                                        An MM'ers Prayer
                                   Now I lay me down to sleep,
                            Pray the spinning slows down to a creep.
                              May I find a way to ignore the noise
                          That rings in my ears and drowns out the joys
                             Of a long and peaceful night of dreams
                             Too much to ask for, sometimes it seems
                              Daylight has come, I've barely slept
                            I laid in bed most of the night and wept
                            The spinning and ringing and feeling bad
                            I prayed for the days when MM I'd not had
                             I wake only to find it's with me still
                                 And reach for yet another pill
                              I pray to be free of this MM of mine
                          So someday I could walk in one straight line
                                Not to run into a wall or a door
                               And pray that I won't hit the floor
                              Be able to ride in anything on wheels
                              Without the ills of tossing my meals
                              I pray to someday lead a normal life
                                 Free from MM's constant strife
                                For now lord all I can do is pray
                              That you help me through another day
                                  Help me to get out of my bed
                               And clear the this fog from my head
                            Help me to get just one small thing done
                                Without needing help from anyone
                             The dishes or laundry or driving my car
                             Just to the store, that's not very far
                             To do just one simple thing's all I ask
                               Without it being such a major task
                                 Another day has come to an end
                          What's there to show for the efforts I spend
                            My head spun in circles, I ran into walls
                         Took dozens of pills and made more phone calls
                            For doctors to help, what good does it do
                          I tossed every meal, yet kept praying to you
                            I know that someday you will hear my plea
                               And take this disease away from me.
                                         Keep the faith

This is my very favorite!!!

Last month when I gathered the family,
To tell them about Meniere's
They all seemed to understand,
But noticed my grandson in tears.

He told me, " Grandma, I love you,
But I want to make this clear.....
That the doctor is wrong about this,Because YOU DON'T HAVE MENS EARS!"

By Connie

               WHERE DID MY BALANCE GO??

Ever wonder, "where did my balance go? It was here just a minute ago!! Who took it?"
I was walking home from school and these thoughts were wondering through my head. It started last daughter and I were walking back from the pool and My son came towards us. He threw a balled up gum wrapper at me, and PING, (I hardly felt it) opps! I tipped over to my left and almost crashed before I caught my balance again.

What happened? Where did my balance go? It was here just a minute ago!!

Today, as I walk, everything I look at is bouncing and swishing around.
Stairs look deep and scary to climb down, the ground looks too close,
everything in the distance is bouncing, my arms don't seem to be attached to my body, and my head is floating above neck somewhere.

What happened? Where did my balance go?? I just had it a minute ago!!
By Cathy


 The coffee is cold, the reports are due,
 The stress is old, "What's wrong with you?"
 The question asked, is by your boss,
 You try to answer, but you're at a loss.

 The rooms starts to spin, there's a ringing in your ear,
 "Eh? What's that? I think, I can't hear!"
 You try to stay focused but your eyes just won't work,
 "Hmmm, how odd, I feel like a jerk."
 Here comes some nausea, taking you by surprise,
 "Great! There goes my vision, what's wrong with my eyes?"
 "What am I going to do?" is all that you're thinking,
 While everyone else thinks, "Must be, she's drinking!"
 Glancing out the doorway, there's a bathroom down the hall,
 Mustering up your dignity, hoping you won't fall..."
 You pass by co-workers, your only support: the walls,
 "What's wrong with you?" Again, the idiot calls.

 Curled in a ball, you lie on the floor,
 "Please, oh please!, no one come through that door."
 Here comes the panic and a white ghost-like look,
 Another attack to write down in your book.
 "Come on eyes, focus, please stop that spin...
 At least let me throw up ��fore someone comes in."

 Another attack, that's the fourth time this week, Another appointment, the outlook is bleak...

 Diuretics and Valium, you've been on them all,
 "I don't think they work!" You say as you fall.
 Then come the needles, the shots in the ear,
 Just a typical day, when, again, you can't hear.

 More balance tests, don't forget an MRI,
 You look at your doctor and simply ask, "Why?"
 You're tired, you're dizzy, that's nothing new.
 "Please, doctor, tell me, what can I do?"

 No caffeine or salt, no intake of beer
 "There goes my life," you think as you hear.
 You wait for the doctor, your mind he'll appease,
 Until he informs you..."It's Meniere's Disease."

Author Unknown

Meniere's Marketing
MM - its not an illness, its and ADVENTURE!!!
MM - Around the world in 60 minutes (tick, tick, tick)
MM - Your own non-stop rollercoaster
MM - Comes with its own soundtrack too!

By Keith Parsons

* This too shall pass.
* I deserve to create my own sense of self-worth.
* I am not perfect and need not expect myself to be.
* Like everyone else, I am a fallible human being.
* Look how far I have progressed. Even though I may not be doing well   right now, I am still moving forward.
*What is, is
* There are no failures. Only different degrees of success.
* Be true to myself.
* I refuse to become upset about distressed for awhile.
* I know I am not helpless. I can and will take necessary actions to pull myself through this difficult time.
* I will remain engaged and involved rather than pull back and retreat from this difficult set of circumstances.
* This is an opportunity, rather than a threat -- to learn something new, to change directions, to try a new approach.
* Take things one step at a time.
*I refuse to let anyone to upset me.
* I know I will be okay no matter what happeneds
* This unpleasant situation will be over soon
* I can bear anything for awhile
* Is this really important enough to become upset about?
* I really don't need to prove myself in this situation.
* Others are not perfect, and I need not expect me to be.
* Don't over react
* I WILL enjoy myself even when life is tough.
* I will enjoy myself WHILE catching up with all I have to do.
Author Unknown

Someone said in an email (can't remember who or to whom) that instead of saying I can't say How can I and what do I do to make it so I can. That has really been my way of thinking these past months. It was easy at first, my MM wasn't so consuming until this past year 1/2. In the beginning I read all there was about MM, then went on with my life, now I am reading it all over again. It really helps to be knowledgeable about what is going on inside me.

I just dig deep in me and pull up the strength and determination that I
never realize is there and go on..............that's all I can say.

I am not that strong, just REFUSE to let this run my life more than
necessary. We all can do it, not just me! We ALL have the strength inside us to fight for a "normal" life......if we all dig deep inside, we will find
it! I am sure of that! Instead of saying "I can't" say......"how can I?"
When I feel "off" I still go on, I walk funny, I stumble a lot, I walk with
my hand on a wall, and when there is no wall I walk very sloooow, arms out, feet apart :) When the tinnitus is loud, I ignore it, when my hearing is
down, I say what a lot, when my tummy hurts, I take a phenergan. When I am scared, I take a Xanax. You just have to be determined! that's all, plain and simple :)

None of us asked for this, none of us deserve this, we just got it. We all
need to put our guilt aside and live our lives to the fullest! Ok?
By Cathy

Well, Today was certainly fun.....NOT!!

First off, I go to school, walk in the building and had WORSE than brain
fog....had a bad case of CRS!! I forgot where my class was!! I wandered the halls looking in the rooms....ok, not on the 2nd floor, so I go up to the
3rd floor. Wandered around like an idiot! Geez! I have been going to school for 3 weeks now!! Finally spotted someone from my class and followed her :) The bad thing about that, I had a test to take!! Did ok on the test, got a B.

Then, during my break between classes, I fell asleep on the bench. How
embarrassing!! Then, go to class and was ok. But, right at the end my ear
started hurting (thought it was my hearing aid making it sore). I DID
participate in a group discussion, just leaned in close and said (no I
haven't lost my voice) "Please look at me and speak up" :) So, class gets
out and I start feeling "weird" so I took a xanax. (hard to do in a drinking
fountain, sticks going down and they taste HORRIBLE!!) So, then........I am walking thru the parking lot towards the bus stop, when it hits......the
dreaded dizzies!! Dummy me thought, ok I will just walk slow and pretend nothing was wrong. Well, next thing I know, I am tipping over to the left, my feet tangle big time, the world tips and twirls and I am on my butt in the parking lot!! Och! So, I made it over to the curb, put my head down and rode the ride. I did panic with that one, was a BIGGIE and I was in the middle of public looking like a drunk! So, when it was over, got very unsteadily to my feet and went to the bus stop. Whew!!

I am home, safe and sound. Head is killing me and I will probably suffer a
few more spins today. But, in my safe place now.

Just wanted to share a "fun" day with ya all.
By Cathy

Don't ever stop dreaming your dreams...they're a very essential part        of you.
Do whatever you can to make them a reality by the course you take...
 The plans you make...and all the things you do.
Don't dwell on past mistakes...leave yesterday behind you...Along with   any of its problems, worries and doubts.
Do realize you can't change the past, but just ahead is the                        future...And you can do something about that.
Don't try to accomplish everything at can be difficult                 enough...Without adding frustration to the list.
Do travel one step at a time...and reach for one goal at a time.
     That's the way to find out what real accomplishment is.
Don't be afraid to do the impossible...even if others don't think you'll        succeed
Do remember that history is filled with incredible                                      accomplishments... Of those who were foolish enough to...believe
Don't forget that there are so many things that are wonderful...
      Rare and unique about you.
And, Do remember that if you can search within and find a smile...
      That smile will always be a reflection of the way people feel
                       ... about... YOU!
Author Unknown

Lord Jesus, Guide my heart in the right direction. Hold me close and take my fears away.
I will hold on to the hand of my savior, I will hold on with all my might, I will hold loosely to things that are fleeting, and hold on to Jesus, hold on to Jesus for life.


One night a man had a dream.

  He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonged to him, and the other to the Lord.

 When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. he noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

 This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that at the worst times in my life, there is only one set of footprints.
How could you leave me when I needed you the most?"

The Lord replied " My precious, precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of suffering and when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Hope is a wish for something better. It is a seed that can grow or not.
It is your choice. Faith is the step beyond belief. You can hope there
is a god to save you. You can believe there is a god who will love you.
You can build a faith that you can walk on. Perception is reality. It is
your choice. You don't have to be an idiot to love god and feel
something in return. There's no devil in my ear. We can take
responsibility for our lives or we can piss them away. It's a choice.


When I first heard of this Meniere's
I thought it was romantic,
Now that I have Meniere's,
It's really nasty, ain't it?

This sort of whirlwind sensation,
And ringing of the ears,
All the other good stuff,
It is definitely Meniere's

But this drives to know more about it,
And is arming me to the teeth,
MY doctor is confounded right now,
As more and more MM's I meet.

The web sites that I have gone to,
The coping-list folks like you,
As I gather more information
Through the maze of finding the truth.

Keep sharing and caring,
Your experiences mean a lot to all around,
Soon, very soon, we hope to read,


 Oh the joys of having mm....

1) wow......lookit the horizon....its going *boing* *boing* *boing* as I  walk today!! Too Cool!!

2) Hey! I KNOW my feet are down why do they feel so FAR down there??

3) Someone catch my head please...its floating somewhere waaay above my neck!!

4)  OUCH!!!  Swear that wall was FARTHER away!!

5) body stopped....why hasn't my eyes?? Hmmm

6) Oooo lookit!! the walls are throbbing!!  hehehe

7) "hello??  HELLOOOO??"  hmmm phone rang but didn't hear anyone...that was strange.....

8) Sherri: "mom! MOM!!! stop singing!! you sound aweful!!!!""  Cathy: "Huh? What?? I what??"

9) *stumble* *CRASH* Hey!! Who put that fuzz on the floor?? I TRIPPED over it!!

10) "I....aww.....ummmm..."  Ok..*looking around* WHO sucked my thoughts outa my head?? Huh??

11) *Standing in the middle of the room, scatching my head* WHAT did I come in here for??

12) Ohhh groan! This is NOT fair!!  I feel hung-over and I didn't even drink nothin!!

13) "Is it hot in here or is it just me?"

14) Ok..who turned out the lights?  CRASH!!  OUCH!!  Can't seem too keep my feet from tangling in the dark :/

15) Awwww man!!! Someone is sitting on my head!!! Get them feels so heavey!!

16) the steps, they all blend together!! Awesome!! How did they do that??

17) Justin: "Mom....humnsgvbvhdytuywekzdjllssjmmm"  Cathy:"WHAT???"

18) Oh eyes are too sleepy!!  Someone wake them up please!!

19) Hey! did you see that?  It looked like the fork just jumped!!
No...wait! There goes a BUG!! ewwww!!! You DIDN'T see that? hmmmmm

20) Ok....WHO'S rocking the floor??? Ya better stop or I WILL "toss my cookies" on you!!!

21) *knocking on my head* Will you PLEASE just SHUT UP IN THERE!!!

Thats all for today.  (tehetehe)

 Please come back, I will be adding things as I think of them :)  Keep the faith and NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!